Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free Comic Book Day!!!

Yeah, see that, 3 exclamation points. That's how pumped I am for national free comic book day. It's May 7th this year always on the first Saturday in May and I can tell you that this will be the first one I'm going to.

My friend Kevin and I have scoped out 7 stores to hit up to just take as many free handouts as we can get, and it's not because we are cheap or college students, or even broke. Actually, that is part of the reason, but the real reason is that it's a day to nerd out.

I remember going to my first comic conventions, the now cancelled Heroes convention in Syracuse. It was a nifty place, tons of comics, video game tournaments, people cosplaying (for those not in the now, Cosplay is when you dress up like a favored character from a comic or Japanese anime series), it was an interesting crossroads to see all these people together in one place.

You see, comics have always been in my life. As I type this if I turn around I can see my big X-Men poster that I've had on my wall for almost 18 years now. I don't really have a religious path to follow b ut I do live my a simple credo from the pages of Spider-Man, "With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility." It's a hell of a motto to live life by!

Last year is when I got back into actually buying comics, and I was shocked to see how expensive they were. It surprises me even to this day with most comics from Marvel and DC going for around $3-4 dollars an issue people are able to keep up with the different issues and storylines going throughout the comic scene.

The reason I really like Free Comic Book Day is that if offers me a bit of hope, like a young me may find something in reading that makes him want to be an artist or a writer some day. I can tell you that I often thought about writing fictional tales as a young man, different story lines and ideas based in comic lore, and part of that is what made me want to write for living, but also fostered a love of reading within me.

With the national reading rate remaining stagnant for almost 20 years now, get your child or yourselves out to Free Comic Day, who knows, you might just find something you love, like reading.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Cure To End My Life As A Single Man

That's right folks, you better read the title again, because if you are a single man I have found the secret that will make you so desirable to women, you'll be swimming in ladies by the end of this post. See, if you're like me you've often wondered how to land the lady you'll spend the rest of your life with. Sometimes it's as easy as talking to her, while to other's it's just being a ripped guy with chiseled good looks. But if you have the social skills around the ladies of a stucco wall and the body shape best described as spherical like myself, you have to go the extra mile.

For me, it begins with a move so simple in nature I know it will get rid of my lonely nights curled up in my bed with my beagle puppy down by my feet in the morning. Being a nice guy with a loving heart is great, but it you have the most devastating thing ever to a woman, you're cursed for life. Gentlemen, look in amazement as the key will be revealed, and ladies look away, because even seeing these things may make you go into a rage!

That's right THE JORT!!

Look at how even all-around good guy Tim Tebow becomes a hideous monster in these short jeans! Truly a horrifying look.

Ok, as I'm sure you've realized by now, I'm pro-jort, and hopefully with warmer temperatures I'll get to bust mine out again, but why are these garments so detested my the fairer sex, let's list possible reasons

1) They aren't jeans. That's true, they aren't, but the concept is the same. They are heavy duty shorts, and usually cheaper than khaki, so you know your man is waiting to spend that money on the most important thing in his life, you!

2) Women also hate jean shorts. This is less true than anything I can think of. Heard of Daisy Dukes, cut-off jean shorts worn my women to attract attention to the firmness and shape of their behind, therefore making them sexier to men. The Jort works the same way for men, we want to frame our calves in a nice way to show you that we have decent to good lower leg strength, therefore making it easier for use to run around, and pick heavy stuff up.

3) The redneck factor. Ladies, let me tell you a little something about myself. I live in the country with 2 tractors, a rabbit barn, a big yard, and a John Deere mower. If I didn't wear jean shorts I wouldn't be true to who I am as a person. I'm just a guy from the country, not a slick city dweller who gets a nice three piece suit. I'm much more at home with my jean shorts, a ball cap, and a t-shirt.

So, in closing, I say that if you want to find a date, it might be as easy as throwing the jorts out of your closet, but ladies, I ask you to let the man who wears jean shorts into your life, and maybe you might find what you've been looking for.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today Was An Interesting Day

So before I get started I'd like to welcome everyone to the relaunch of my blog, now going as Thoughts From My Mom's Basement. I thought about what Professor Steiner said, and after thinking about letting my geek flag fly and reading Emily's critique where she said that my pizza theme was lost, I decided to go with what I know, being so far outside the mainstream in my own little corner of geekdom! Remember folks, geek is the new cool, so this place is for the cool kids!

So, onto today. It was a very sad and yet interesting day. As you now know, I am a wrestling fan and today the world of wrestling lost a great bright young star in Larry Sweeney. Sweeney (real name Alex Whybrow) hung himself at a wrestling school sometime last night or early this morning. He battled depression and bipolar disorder for his entire life after having a documented breakdown in 2009. He was 29 years old, and I almost feel bad using the term old here.

Also today, Edge (real name Adam Copeland), a wrestler with the WWE for 15 years was forced into retirement at the age of 37. Copeland was suffering from symptoms of nueropraxia, a disorder in the nervous tissue causing loss of motor skills. Had Copeland continued to wrestle he would be risking paralysis or even death.

Of course, this summer marks the 4 year mark since the infamous Chris Benoit murder suicides, a case so horrifying that it caused pro wrestling to look itself in the mirrior and make some big changes in a big way. I feel as if today's news of the eaath of LArry Sweeney may be another one of those wake-up messages.

So, you may be asking what these two stories have to do with anything? Well, it's actually quite simple. The fact of the matter is that these entertainers go out nearly 300 days a year and put life and limb on the line and don't even have any kind of unionizing body to grant equal rights to all wrestlers. Now, at the highest levels, like the WWE, this is not a problem. The company is large enough to get the help and services their employees need to stay in good shape.

The people a lack of a union hurts is those 'weekend warriors' the wrestlers on the independent scene trying to make a living and possibly get discovered by the bigger companies. The money is just not there to allow them to get some of the help that they may need. More often it is the coverage they get through whatever their 'dayjob' is that gets them the health benefits that they use and even some will not cover some wrestlers due to the amount of pre-existing conditions in their life.

Therefore what I suggest is this, a move toward some kind of independent wrestlers union. I don't know the logistics of the move, I don't know the cost, but I know the benefits. Less lives like Larry Sweeney lost at a young age.