Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oscar week kicks off with some Onions

So, this week I'm looking to be a little ambitious. That's right fans, I will be posting more than one blog this week! In honor of Oscar week, all of these blogs will deal with the film in the last 10 years that I feel best fit our flavors here and we start with tears and sad things, that's right we're dealing with onions.

And with that said, let me talk about my history at crying with movies. I cried at Jack Frost, I cried at The Santa Clause, basically I cry a lot at movies, regardless of happy or sad endings. But this blog isn't really measured by my tears, it's measured by the tears of my dad, who barely ever cries, except whenever we bring up this movie he talks about how sad it is.

That's right, the movie that will make my dad cry is 2005's Brokeback Mountain. The reasons why are numerous, but it basically comes down to the fact that this is a typical love story, told from an atypical viewpoint. That's a point that I say needs to be remembered here. Many people look down on this film because it deals with homosexuality and a love scene in a tent, but at it's core it's just a different way to tell the same story.

The thing though that really gets my dad is Gustavo Santaolalla's score. The ending scene of that movie is heartbreaking enough (No Spoilers though, see it yourself), but when you add the beautifully haunting tune "The Wings" into the scene it becomes a weep fest of epic proportions.

Later this week, I be looking at a film that will really make you question ever doing drugs from the brilliant mind behind "Black Swan " and a look at the worse best movie ever made. See you guys later this week right here in The Pop Culture Pizzeria

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Slice of Extra Cheese... with Mandy?

AH, STOP POINTING AT ME!! Seriously though, it seems only fair that with the recently passed Valentine's Day that we celebrate one of the best love song writers ever; the man, the myth, THE MANILOW!

That's right, the first super cheesy thing to be talked about is the great American songwriter Mr. Barry Manilow. If there is a greater definition of a guilty pleasure artist it would be Manilow. Hell, I'm a fan of the guy and I know that there are a ton of folks who are. We at the Pizzeria aren't about knocking something because it might be silly, we are here to celebrate the cheesiness of the things we profile here.

The one thing Manilow is known for are his moving ballads, sure we all have heard "Mandy", "I Write The Songs" and even "Copacabana" but the think that makes the cheese factor of Manilow so appealing is that you can go to any bar and see a poor soul belting out a Manilow hit for karaoke, and I've even done it too.

I'm sure what makes him so cheesy, maybe it's the lightly colored hair, maybe it's the total sappiness of his lyrics, maybe it that he makes us feel something greater than us, put it's probably because he brings the cheese...

Check out some Manilow here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN1nynLMRl8

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Open For Business

Hello, and welcome to the opening of the Pop Culture Pizzeria, my name is Ryan and I'll be your chef for all the latest in pop culture.

As we are now open for business our toppings are limited, but here is what you can expect for the time being.

We offer slices with Extra Cheese; a look inside TV, Films, Books, and Music that are so good they are bad, a guilty pleasure if you will.

We also offer slices with Onions; things that will make you cry in TV, Films, and even Music

And right now our best sellers are our slices with Mushrooms; a look at celebrities with drug problems, aka I add to the ridicule of Charlie Sheen

We are always looking for new topping as well, so if you have ideas drop them in the comments below.

We appriciate your business and we hope you find our slices, filling, funny and delicious.